Happy New Year! January’s Kabuto Corner

Reflections for the New Year

There is always so much excitement at the beginning of the New Year. We have a ton of momentum towards achieving our goals. However, we know that oftentimes come February, our enthusiasm to pursue our New Year’s resolutions might wane. So let’s take advice from Sigung Bruce about how to start the New Year right:

“Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.” – Bruce Lee

We have to remember that small daily steps over the long-term rather than short bursts of concentrated energy will create long lasting changes in our lives. For example, just thirty minutes a day of working out versus two hours at the gym once a week will get you to your weight loss goals safer and faster. Or even better, attending one class three times a week at U.M.A. will allow you to cement what you’re learning in your brain and body far better than say taking four classes in a row only once a month.

What are New Year’s Resolutions about anyway? Usually it’s about positive habit change to improve and enhance our lives. A habit, by definition, doesn’t happen haphazardly, but is a methodical daily practice. Huge life-changing transformations are always the end result of small incremental changes over time.

So don’t think that you need to make a huge sweeping change in your life this month. Set yourself up for success by deciding to make one small change that you can do everyday. Once you accomplish that one task daily over the course of a week, then two weeks, then an entire month, you’ll gain momentum that will carry you through February and the months ahead.

We hope one of your healthy goals is to come to U.M.A. more often so we can support your growth and goals for 2018! We have a great lineup of guest instructors this year, so stay tuned for more news on the awesome talent that will be coming to our school. If you have any questions on how to achieve your goals for 2018, don’t hesitate to speak to one of the instructors. Remember we’re here to help bring out the best in you!

U.M.A. Brooklyn - Mixed Martial Arts Training Facility

Written by U.M.A. Brooklyn

December 31, 2017