
Vimal Bisundial’s martial arts journey began in 2010, as a response to life’s challenges. Vimal’s diverse training included Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, Boxing, Filipino Martial Arts, and Grappling. Vimal’s true passion emerged in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, inspired by his mentors Dan Anderson and Clark Gracie. He received his Black Belt in 2023 from multi-time world champion Sop Huh. With achievements at various belt levels, Vimal’s journey continues today under the guidance of Alex Ecklin. His teaching philosophy prioritizes movement systems, empowering students to analyze situations critically and adapt accordingly. A proponent of lifelong learning, Vimal continually refines his teaching methodologies to provide his students with the most effective and comprehensive learning experience. Beyond the tatami, Vimal champions accessible martial arts. Offering free BJJ classes in Queens, he strives to empower those who may lack resources and opportunities to train in the martial arts. When not training, you can often find Vimal spending time with his dog, Kimura.