Brooklyn Martial Arts Little Dragons for Children

Unlimited Martial Arts Brooklyn Children's Martial Arts


Here at Unlimited Martial Arts in Brooklyn, New York, we offer top-notch martial art classes for your child. We provide children with a foundation in Jeet Kune Do (JKD), the martial art system of the late Bruce Lee based on a mixture of boxing, Muay Thai kickboxing, Wing Chun, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and Kali (Filipino martial arts). We teach children a basic skill set in these arts while emphasizing gross motor movements to improve your child’s agility, physical endurance, and body awareness. By intermixing technical skill application with fun, age appropriate games, kids learn hand-eye coordination and team building skills. Most importantly, we give each child the chance to demonstrate their unique leadership abilities. As they progress in the arts, we give them opportunities to lead by example. From demonstrating techniques to new students to making sure no teammate is left behind during warmups, each child becomes a leader while helping others.

kids learn hand-eye coordination and team building skills

In a world where kids are plugged into technology more than ever, martial arts gives young children the needed physical stimuli to develop proper motor skills necessary for their growth. Martial arts helps students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) by increasing their ability to focus and accomplish tasks. Children with attention issues thrive in our supportive yet challenging environment.


Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and Kali

In our Little Dragons’ class, we also address the many issues of modern-day bullying. We teach students to decelerate conflict through verbal communication as part of our anti-bullying program. Children build confidence in themselves by seeing their progress over time. Consistency, discipline, and dedication are values that our students learn and put into practice. At the same time, they learn how to navigate social challenges through nonviolent conflict resolution. We hope to instill within each child a respect for themselves and others. We have no doubt that their love of the martial arts will help them thrive through their journey into into adulthood.


We look forward to seeing your child here at
Little Dragons, Unlimited Martial Arts Brooklyn, New York!

U.M.A. Brooklyn - Mixed Martial Arts Training Facility

Written by U.M.A. Brooklyn

November 28, 2017